Hospital Support

We are proud to serve our local hospitals with bereavement in-services, memory making ‘Angel Boxes’, and supplying ‘MOHA’ Angel Ambassadors.

Hospital Inservices

Our bereavement in-services and seminars provide training to healthcare providers on MOHA’s standard of care for families suffering from stillbirth and neonatal death.

Angel Boxes

Our Angel Boxes provide memory making tools for families to use in the hospital. After our in-service is complete with a hospital, they are eligible to refill their angel boxes by clicking on the link below.

‘MOHA’ Angel Ambassador

Our MOHA Angel Ambassadors sit with families in their first days of loss in the hospital. They provide mentorship and a face of survival. If your hospital is in our serviced area click below to call or text and request a MOHA Angel Ambassador.

Cuddle Cot Info.

We provide training on the Cuddle Cot system to be used as a cooling bassinet in the hospital room during a family’s stay at the hospital.

We 'CARE': Cuddle Cots, Angel boxes, Reach out programs, Education for Hospitals


We 'CARE': Cuddle Cots, Angel boxes, Reach out programs, Education for Hospitals ...

Contact us to schedule a bereavement training with our team.